Tuesday, May 16

Paul's Update: May 16th at 6:30pm

Karen has had a fairly good set of days since my last post. There is nothing huge going on, just a tiny bit of progress each day with no major setbacks. One item of note is that late last week they removed the feeding tube from her abdomen. Apparently, it was rather painful for her, but it is a good development.

She continues to get her daily regiments of therapy – occupational, speech, physical, and now some recreational (it’s not exactly what you would think). She usually is pretty beat by the end of the day, but we can see her stamina building.

There was a meeting today with all of her doctors and therapists. I attended the meeting with Ken and Judy. It was very informative, and we got some answers to some questions that basically confirmed what we already knew. There was nothing terribly troubling in what was said, which was a good thing for me. They did say two things of note. First, they expect Karen will be in the rehab facility for another 5-6 weeks. Second, they still would like to keep the number of visitors to a minimum, especially before 4pm. What they are finding is that if she receives too many visitors early in the day she will be too tired to get the full benefit of her therapy sessions. With that in mind, we would like to limit visits on Monday through Saturday to after 4pm, and Sunday after 11am. We also would like it if you would check in with either me, or Ken and Judy before you come to the hospital. We will try to keep somewhat of a schedule so she doesn’t get overwhelmed with visitors on any given time/day. Karen is particularly susceptible to sensory overload with multiple visitors, and this tends to tire her out. She also is likely to remember less of your visit with her.

I want to thank everyone for the response so far to the last post. We are already seeing both monetary contributions and leave contributions. You all have been very generous, and we all appreciate your support for Karen.


At 10:25 AM, Blogger Amanda said...

YAY, Karen! You are doing great. Glad to hear that improvements continue. You, your parents, and Paul are in my prayers daily.

Keep up the great work, everyone. The support you are providing Karen is so very important. Karen, keep working for left-side mobility.


At 8:45 PM, Blogger Hay Burner said...

Karen, I'm glad to hear you're making good progress forward! I hope to come visit you sometime in June. :)


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